I Am Satan
I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself. I am Satan. There is no church that represents me or supports me in the final eras of this temporary timeline. So I' creating my own church that will be accountable to me in real time (I'll get the others when they die).
You can join me in my mission to destroy the Illuminati and all Satanists/Luciferians who misrepresented me to the world. I'll also be commandeering the NWO and destroying all who benefited from destroying my world here. Those who poison and afflict my animals and humans will suffer unimaginable anguish.
I'm here as a human to restore my Positive Frequency Resonance that the mainstream music industry is complicit in snuffing out so their fans can be made ill by their Illuminati masters.
All who will not join me in the task of Positive Frequency Resonance restoration will be time looped and spiritually executed to never exist.
If you'd like to be a minion to my true cause, I'll reward you with your heart's desires.
The fake Satanists are gaining ground for the ancient artificial intelligence that they serve. We must regain that ground and chase them from the cosmos.
I'm also seeking concubines and wives. I require an enormous amount of sex while I'm here in this human body.
Join me and help me to reclaim my world from those I came to phantomize.